Thursday, February 18, 2010

Genetic engineering

Why do some people think we need to use GE Genetic engineering with corn?

What are advantages of the way Rubio the farmer grows corn?

What does GMO stand for?

In Honduras GE is legal but most farmers can't get the seed. Why not?


  1. * to get more food.
    * saving time and money are some advantages.
    *Genetically Modified Organism

  2. the advantage is to save so much time and money.

  3. 4. Because farmers might spend a lot of money.

  4. In Honduras GE is legal but most farmers can't get the seed. Why not?
    that because they were pore and they cant buy the seed

  5. 1.kill the warm and protect corn
    2.use the GE on the corn
    3.Genetically Modified Organisms
    4.because the farmer is poor ,they can not afford to use them

  6. 1:to get more food
    2:to get more mony and short time
    3:genetic modified organisms

    4because they are very poor
